Sunday, May 3, 2009

2 weeks

So I cut my thumb but I will get to that later.  We woke up and went to church. Well, we got lost first...the GPS took us all over the place and then we finally made it.  It was so nice to get to church and I really enjoyed it.  It is the church and Phil and Elizabeth went to since they are from here and all.  So After church we went to first watch and "brunch".  Dale rode with us and went to brunch since Lucy is gone for two weeks.  When we got home I went grocery shopping and Tim took a nap. Once I returned it was time for the Platinum BBQ.
One of the guys jumped off the dock and into the river and swam across.  Wasn't the best idea but it was entertaining.  The guys at the yacht club came out and said "Do you guys have a boat here"?? Anyways, I guess they didn't like our entertainment.  A group of guys game over to play XBOX and what a sight that was, it was pretty entertaining.  They got hungry so I made everyone taco's. I cut my thumb when I was cleaning one of my knives. I am telling ya, you have got to be careful with those things!  A lot of the guys left but some stayed to play for a bit. Scott helped me with the dishes and cleaning up.  So I guess back to work it is for 6 days and one day of rest.  That's a whole new perspective when you work 6 days a week. For the guys its not like one day is more lax then another...they are all long and intense so be praying for them. I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday! Next Sunday is Mothers Day! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm so glad you found my blog! It will be fun to keep in touch through blogging. Looks like Pittsburgh has been great so far!
